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Azagaya, LLC was formed specifically to provide the best Strategic Maritime Security, Telecommunication Systems, and Turn-key solutions for Strategic Infrastructure project Development in emerging markets.



Azagaya, LLC was founded by two retired US Navy Special Warfare (SEAL) Officers and a retired CIA Clandestine Services Officer. 

Azagaya, LLC Executives have successfully brought finance and Tier 1 Korean EPCs to projects world-wide. 

Azagaya Key Associate and finance specialist is a PhD Economist and former Senior Economist for the Korean conglomerate, SK GROUP.

Azagaya engages senior Special Operations personnel from across the military services. Its purpose is to provide a common vehicle for only the most highly experienced operators admitted from ‘top tier’ Special Operations military units and government agencies around the world to work together to apply their skills collaboratively towards common missions and objectives.

Over the years, Azagaya personnel have worked in countries all around the world. As a result, we have developed exceptional insight into various cultures, as well as close local contacts and an understanding of regional business environments, that enable us to be effective for our clients virtually anywhere. This practical, ‘on the ground’ operational experience is just one attribute that separates Azagaya from so many other competitors.

Current Projects in Development

Republic of Congo Brazzaville

Rapid Response Anti-Piracy Maritime Force 

Sailbridge Capital & IMF ROC Sovereign Fund


The Republic of Guinea

O3B Country-wide Telecommunication system

Sailbridge Capital


The Democratic Republic of Congo

Rapid Response Anti-Terrorism Riverine Force

Azagaya Model for Monetization of Mineral Wealth


Gabonese Republic

Rapid Response Maritime/Riverine Anti-piracy Rapid Response Force

IMF approved forward Pay Commodities contract


Partial list of Projects realized by Azagaya Executives since 2014

Namibia, 2014

Walvis Bay 250MW Power Plant, Desalinization 

Shinhan Investments Asia


Serbia, 2014

Two Hydro-Electric Power Plants



Nikola Tesla Airport Renovation

Shinhan Investments Asia


Iraq, 2015

O3B System Installation

UK Home Office


Kazakhstan, 2016-2017

Renovation of Existing Almaty Airport 

Mirae Asset 


Turkey, 2019-2020

Pilot Training Facility, Istanbul 

KEXIM, to be financed


Geriatric Facility, Bodrum 

Shinhan Investments Asia, to be financed


Alzheimer’s Research Facility, Afyon 

KEXIM, to be financed


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